Monday, July 13, 2009


Today my parents suprised my sister with dare I say it, Jonas Brother tickets. She basically goes in shock. "AHHHHH OMGOMGOMGOMG REALLY? OMG SERIOUSLY AHHH WHAT I CANT BELIEVE IT!! IM GOING TO GIVE NICK MY NUMBER!!" Then she calls pretty much everyone in her phone. Honestly, I wouldnt be suprised if she called random people to tell them. Ahaha.

So, she starting googling everything. Now she wants to bring starburst or something along those lines, to Nick, because its his favorite candy.

I just dont understand going crazy over someone because they are 'famous'. I mean, dont get me wrong, its pretty cool. But come on..Do you seriously have to get all obsessed over them?

Example: Jonny Depp. Oh my God. I would love to meet him, and maybe date him ;] But still, I wouldnt get all obsessed about it. I'd be happy, but I wouldnt go tattoo his signature on my boob. [ I actually saw someone do that. I was amazed. ]

I dont know. Thats just me.

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